Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Product of the Year!

Wooden Curtain Wall

Something else I would like to do with this blog is to start adding posts about great looking products to consider on projects.

Earlier in 2008, I went through a process of trying to find this type of product. I am wondering if this is a new website because I did not locate this at the time. I found some other contemporary wood windows that did not meet wind loads and impact resistance, as required in the New Orleans area. This states that the the depth can be eingineered to meet local requirements!

2009 Agenda- So Far

This will be a few notes on extracurricular projects to get underway for the 2009.

Claiborne- University Neighborhood Association:
Releaf New Orleans
Hike for kaTREEna
Apply for Grant with GNOF for greening in University Village
Finalize traffic study for S. Claiborne
Track area demolitions and zoning variances


Join Construction Specifiers Institute

Organize Sustainable Continuing Education programs

Submit for AIA Design Competition- (very schematic)

Volunteer work with Louisiana State Museum