Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Slidell Municipal Auditorium- Piling and Foundations

Original Post

Go to the above link for the project rendering and background. Here is where the construction is as of today.

The building is going to be raised approx. 5' above grade due to the flood zone requirement. These pilings sticking out of the ground will be cut off at the surface and support the building in the poor soil conditions that exist.

This is formwork for a concrete "pile cap". These treated wood pilings hold up the pile cap, which will then dsitribute the loadof the building to the pilings, when building columns are extended from the pile cap.

This is a pile cap form, including reinforcing steel.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Canal to Lake Borgne

This is the original. I took this shot because of the reflections at the bottom of these pylons. Looked like perfect scissor cuts and they were more ghostly in real life. This is a blackberry camera and sort of gets it.