Monday, April 20, 2009

Houston AIA Green Expo

From the “Green Expo” over the weekend, I have some info on the following:

Thin film PV exterior rain screen panel. This panel can also act as a translucent wall panel between the PV film pattern. Custom patterns are possible. Actually this was one of the most interesting material I saw, though much more research would be needed. The site also has info on ventilated facades, which is a rainscreen that also provides a thermal break between cladding and envelope materials.

7 layer Plywood with zero urea formaldehyde content, with FSC wood but we had some lunch and learn on that recently.

A website:

Interesting material:

Recycled tire as roof underlayment:

Efficient toilets from Australia:

An affordable residential program that can provide incentives for clients to build “green”. I’ve used this to guide a spec for the replacement housing for Lafitte here in New Orleans.

A heat pump that can be attached to an electric water heater to heat the water.

NASA had a booth and had some handouts on what they are doing that is green. They also had some nice posters of their rockets!

All in all I was hoping to see more eye opening products coming on the market than there were.

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